Please join us for the workshop highlight in this autumn:
Wed-Sun, 7.-11.10.2015 – NUAD THAI YOGA WORKSHOP
„The art of transitioning between positions“
Workshop Timings:
Wednesday-Sunday: 09.00-12.00, 14.00-17.00
5-Day-Course Programme:
▪ The four foundations of Thai yoga massage (*awareness, *body mechanics, *movement, *massage techniques using hands, knees, feet, and elbows)
▪ Effortless transitions between postures
▪ An introduction to contraindications and safety
▪ Care for the client and therapist before, during, and after the massage
▪ Massage for shoulders, head, back, arms, hands, legs, abdomen, and feet
▪ Yoga connection (history, philosophy and practice)
Registration until 14.08.2015 is required. Payment details after registration via mail.
Workshop fees: EUR 600,-
Early Bird: EUR 550,- (registration & payment before 30.05.2015)
Workshop location: Praxisgemeinschaft Rechtes Salzachufer
About Kam: Kam Thye Chow, native of Malaysia, has been a resident of Thailand for many years during which he followed the instructions of Asokananda, who was himself a pupil of the renowned Thai Yoga Massage Masters, Chaiyuth Priyasith and Pichet Boonthumme. Eventually, the pupil became the teacher and Kam Thye spent many years instructing martial arts and Thai Yoga Massage in North America, Asia and Europe. His compassionate and safe approach to the art, is specifically designed to integrate Eastern knowledge of the mind, body and spirit with the Western understanding of the body. Kam Thye published so far three books on Thai Yoga Massage and is well known for his illustrations and diagrams for Sen lines and Thai massage.
I am very grateful and pleased for having the chance to bring Kam, a senior NUAD teacher, from Montreal all the way to Salzburg. It is a pleasure to have him here in Salzburg the first time ever for a Thai Massage workshop. Don’t miss the chance to meet a very kind and inspiring teacher.
This course is suitable for beginners and advanced practitioners! Workshop will be held in English.